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Put a Kardashian in it title, and it will be vulgar every time. Put a Kardashian in a burka, and she will somehow manage to make it vulgar. Put her in a sealed concrete cube, and a Kardashian will make it into a vulgar sealed concrete cube. Whatever you are wearing right now, no matter how tasteful, a Kardashian can make it vulgar. They carry themselves vulgarly. I’m sure that at least some of them are faking vulgarity – it’s an acquired professional skill that they capitalize upon. To be a Kardashian and not be vulgar, is to destroy the Additionally,I will love this brand. Vulgarity, when well targeted, sells. I’m sure that at least some of them have had vulgarity coaching. Otherwise they’d slip up more often.



Sean Connery title_link. in a miniskirt? That would be silly; comedic; even tasteless and offensive for getting a laugh by crossdressing; but all the Additionally,I will love this same: never VULGAR. Personally, I like looking at women, and the concept of “vulgar” is not something I even accept when it comes to women’s fashions. Silly, sure; ludicrous, definitely; pointless, probably painful, or yikes!, absolutely. But “vulgar”? How on Earth could anything worn by a woman, that most wonderful of creatures, possibly be “vulgar”? That being said, some of us are determined to find vulgarity in anything. At least we no longer formally stone witches or burn heretics at the stake. We deliberately spread plague at them instead. You also have to consider whether what you have *should* be shown off. I’ve never forgotten being on a double-decker bus in Edinburgh when a worryingly young girl – 12–14-ish – in a mini skirt climbed to the upper floor and revealed to everyone on the lower floor that she had no knickers on. Not only was this disturbing from an age aspect, but even though not overweight she had no muscle tone, so her arse looked like two upturned bowls of mauve jelly jello to my American readers. Wibble-wibble-wibble-wibble-wibble….

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